House: dying changes everything. In the aftermath of amber's death, wilson announces his resignation on "house" friday, may 22, on fox - airing on a special day and time
Eight weeks after the death of his girlfriend, Amber, Wilson is still mourning her death, and his relationship with his House is shattered. Needing to make a change in his life and give himself time to recover emotionally, Wilson resigns from Princeton-Plainsboro. The team must push forward as they encounter a case involving an assistant to a high-profile executive, who is a textbook "Type A" personality. The team suspects that the patient's symptoms stem from her obsession to constantly please her demanding boss. However, her shocking medical condition forces the team to rethink their initial diagnoses. Meanwhile, Cuddy attempts to salvage the irreparable rift between House and Wilson, and Thirteen struggles to treat the patient objectively without bringing the reality of her own medical condition to the case in the "Dying Changes Everything" episode of HOUSE airing Tuesday, Sept. 16 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/ PT).
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